Sunday, July 20, 2008

About Us

America Lodge #1609 meets monthly at the Community Center of La Habra, 101 La Habra Blvd, usually on the third Sunday of the month. Since times and locations are sometimes changed due to unforseen circumstances, anyone wishing to attend should consult the CALENDAR OF EVENTS listed in this blog.

For questions involving membership or any other matter contact us at -

Lodge Officers

President---------------------------Raymond Eknoian
Vice President--------------------Victor Zappia
Past President--------------------Frank Iannuzzi
Orator--------------------------------Giovanni Cartusciello
Recording Secretary------------Ann Eaton
Financial Secretary--------------Yolanda Campanelli
Treasurer---------------------------Annette Zappia
Historian----------------------------Barbara Eknoian
Trustee------------------------------Angie Cimarusti
Trustee------------------------------Linda Enneman
Trustee------------------------------Lou Pontrelli
Trustee------------------------------Helen Zappia
Trustee------------------------------Nick Zonni
Mistress of Ceremony----------Josie Granata
Mistress of Ceremony----------Rachael Cianfrini
Guard--------------------------------Cathrine Montgomery
State Deputy-----------------------Richard Salvatore

La Voce
America Lodge distributes a monthly news letter to its members called LA VOCE (The Voice) which lists various activities and other information.